Professor Dr. h. c. Fritz Krenkow (1872 - 1953), a connoisseur of ancient Arabic language and literature and editor and translator of poetic, lexical and historical Arabic texts, member of the Dairat ul-Ma'arif of Haidarabad and Membre de l' Academie Arabe de Damas, donated his entire Arabic library with a total of 2,750 books to the Seminar for the History and Culture of the Middle East at the University of Hamburg in 1949. Between the pages of these books, numerous handwritten notes and notes by Fritz Krenkow were found, which in their entirety reflect his outstanding knowledge of the various branches of Arabic and Persian literature and his great passion and precision in comparing, translating and interpreting the content and characteristics of these literary works.
From this collection a total of 117 digital objects are displayed in FUNDus
Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Manṭiq Type of object: Abschrift Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: ara Comments: Abschrift von Iṣlāḥ al-manṭiq nach dem MS. OR. 3074 , British museum Title: Ǧawāmiʿ kitāb Iṣlāḥ al-manṭiq : ʿan Abī Yūsuf Yaʿqūb Ibn-Isḥāq as-Sikkīt Original title: كتاب اصلاح المنطق عن أبي يوسف يعقوب بن اسحق ابن السكيت Year: 1935 Sign: 4: Ha 400 Kataloglink: pages: hinterer Buchdeckel Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Maʿālim Type of object: Brief Author: Muḥammad Rāġib Ṭabbāḫ Date: 14.03.1936 Location: Aleppo Languages: ara Title: Maʿālim as-sunan Original title: معالم السنن Year: 1933 Sign: 4: Ee 205.1 Kataloglink: pages: eingebundener Brief Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Miftāḥ Type of object: Notiz Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: ara Title: Kitāb Miftāḥ as-saʿāda wa-miṣbāḥ as-siyāda fī mauḍūʿāt al-ʿulūm Original title: كتاب مفتاح السعادة ومصباح السيادة في موضوعات العلوم Year: 1910 Sign: 4: Ad 608.1 Kataloglink: pages: 150-151 Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Mīzān Type of object: Notiz Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: ara eng Title: Kitāb mīzān al-iʿtidāl fī naqd ar-riǧāl Original title: كتاب ميزان الاعتدال في نقد الرجال Year: 1907 Sign: 4: Ee 12.3 Kataloglink: pages: 64-65 Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Mīzān Type of object: Fotokopie Author: unbekannt Languages: ara Comments: Fotokopie von HS Title: Kitāb mīzān al-iʿtidāl fī naqd ar-riǧāl Original title: كتاب ميزان الاعتدال في نقد الرجال Year: 1907 Sign: 4: Ee 12.1 Kataloglink: pages: 182-183 Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Mīzān Type of object: Abschrift Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: ara Title: Kitāb mīzān al-iʿtidāl fī naqd ar-riǧāl Original title: كتاب ميزان الاعتدال في نقد الرجال Year: 1907 Sign: 4: Ee 12.1 Kataloglink: pages: 182-183 Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Muġnī Type of object: Index Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: ara Comments: Poets quoted Title: Muġnī al-labīb ʿan kutub al-aʿārīb : Ta'līf Abī-Muḥammad ʿAbdallāh Ǧamāladdīn Ibn-Jūsuf Ibn-Hišām al-Anṣārī. Ḥaqqaqahu wa-faṣṣalahu wa-ḍabaṭa ġarā'ibahu Muḥammad Muḥjīaddīn ʿAbdalḥamīd Original title: مغني اللبيب عن كتب الأعاريب Year: 1965 Sign: 4: Ha 1029 Kataloglink: pages: 140-141 Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Muḥāsibī Type of object: Brief Author: Otto Spies Date: 01.11.1936 Location: Breslau Languages: ara eng Comments: beigefügt Andruck aus OLZ 220 Rzension von Spies Title: Die Schrift des Hāriṯ Ibn Asad al-Muḥāsibī [Rezension] Original title: حارث بن اسد المحاسبي Year: 1936 Sign: 4: S 842 Kataloglink: pages: eingelegt Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Naqd Type of object: Index Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: ara eng Comments: Poets quoted in Naqd aš-Šiʿr Title: Kitāb Naqd aš-Šiʿr Original title: كتاب نقد الشعر Year: 1302 Sign: 4: Hc 809 Kataloglink: pages: am Ende von Naqd as-Sir eingelegt Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Naṣīḥa Type of object: Brief Author: Margoliouth, D.S. Date: 08.03.1913 Location: Oxford Languages: eng Title: an-Naṣīḥa al-iḥsānīya fī taḥrīḍ ʿalā 'l-ʿulūm wa-'l-aʿmāl al-ʿamrānīya Original title: النصيحة الاحسانية في التحريض على العلوم والأعمال العمرانية Year: 1909 Sign: A/120932 Kataloglink: pages: hinten Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Rauḍat Type of object: Index Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: ara Comments: Seitenangaben europ. Title: Kitāb rauḍat al-ʿuqalāʾ wa-nuzhat al-fuḍalāʾ Original title: كتاب روضة العقلاء ونزهة الفضلاء Year: 1238 Sign: 4: Hi 1669 Kataloglink: pages: hinten eingeklebt Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Reḡezdichter Type of object: Notiz Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: eng ara Title: Der Dīwān des Reḡezdichters Rūba Ben Ela̓ḡḡāḡ Original title: ديوان رؤبة بن العجاج Year: 1903 Sign: 4: Hc 315.3 Kataloglink: pages: 24-25 Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Reḡezdichter Type of object: Notiz Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: ara eng Title: Der Dīwān des Reḡezdichters Rūba Ben Ela̓ḡḡāḡ Original title: ديوان رؤبة بن العجاج Year: 1903 Sign: 4: Hc 315.3 Kataloglink: pages: 64-65 Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Reḡezdichter Type of object: Notiz Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: ara eng Title: Der Dīwān des Reḡezdichters Rūba Ben Ela̓ḡḡāḡ Original title: ديوان رؤبة بن العجاج Year: 1903 Sign: 4: Hc 315.3 Kataloglink: pages: 68-69 Photo: UHH/Krenow archive
Title of object: Reḡezdichter Type of object: Notiz Author: Fritz Krenkow Languages: ara eng Title: Der Dīwān des Reḡezdichters Rūba Ben Ela̓ḡḡāḡ Original title: ديوان رؤبة بن العجاج Year: 1903 Sign: 4: Hc 315.3 Kataloglink: pages: XXXVIII und XXXIX