The collection for arachnids is one of the largest and oldest of its kind in Europe. With regards to some groups (scorpions, spiders and mites) it is one of the most important collections internationally and is constantly being expanded through current research projects. For example, the cabinets contain one of the world's largest collections of scorpions. It also holds the famous Godeffroy collection of spiders from Australia and the Pacific region, which was collected almost 160 years ago on behalf of the famous Hamburg merchant Johann Cesar Godeffroy and comprises several thousand species. There is also a complete collection of all spider species occurring in Germany, as well as an important reference collection of mites with more than 32,500 specimens. Currently, a collection of spiders in the Hamburg area is being established, as well as the expansion of existing collections from South America and Australia.
Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change - Hamburg site
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3
20146 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 238317-616