Irabirova Marfa Leont`evna
Collection: Kuzmina Written Archive ID: 01703 Title: Irabirova Marfa Leont`evna Description: Irabirova Marfa Leont`evna Language: Russian Dialect: (unspecified) Speaker: Irabirova Marfa Leont`evna Content: data Volume: 34 Book: 4 Page: 39
Part of:
Collection: Kuzmina archive
The Kuzmina Archive houses a collection of handwritten field notes and audio recordings compiled by Angelina Ivanovna Kuzmina (1924-2002) between 1962 and 1977 on the Selkulp language, an endangered Samoyed language from the Uralic language family that is still spoken in the Selkulp culture regions of Tomsk and in the Tazthe Valley in Siberia.
Prof. Dr. Beáta Wagner-Nagy
Faculty of Humanities
Überseering 35, Postfach #29
22297 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 42838-2787